Sunday, September 30, 2012

photos and videos

If a picture is worth 100 words...Then how many words is a video worth? Weird question. But probably a video is worth a lot more words then 100. Maybe infinity. But pictures are great ways to keep memories and videos are also. Which begs the question to ask... Would you rather have a photo as a source of memory or a video? Videos for me. You can just watch an enjoy.

tinkin about u

I'm thinking about you.... Im thinking about you like bees think about honey, like business men think about money, like Pepto-bismol  thinks about a tummy, im thinking about you like pictures think about frames, like athletes think about games, like birth certificate think about names. Im thinking about you like Tony thinks about Touchdowns, like speakers think about sound, like the Fox thinks about the Hound, im thinking about you like a river thinks about a lake, like a gardener thinks about a rake, like winter thinks about snowflakes.... This is how you make me feel.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wrinkles, dimentia, and oatmeal

first off... Do old people like oatmeal? If they don't then my title makes no sense at all. If they do. its a good title. If you couldn't tell by my first sentecne.. this post is about old people. Why you may ask? Because I sat here and thought, how bad it would suck to get old. Your body slowly starts to shut down and well.. be worthless. This is why I hope I die young... Well reletativley young. If I hit my 70's i've lived to long and someone should smother me with a pillow.

But you always got to admire the people whose body may get old but stay young at heart. Those are the old people who I admire and want to be like. #Oldpeopleordeath

Phobias on phobias on phobias on phobias

(I'm even scared of my title) My greatest fear in life is death, well not really. It is not living up to my full potential before I die. Don't want to look back at my life.. (on my death bed) and be mad because I didn't ask the girl of my dreams to the dance, or try out for the sport team I wanted to.

Sense we all have fears I think there may be one way/word to break them...................... "yolo" you should only use or say this word if you need to do something that scares you or a fear you have.. If you use it not in this context you are a fag, and should never be aloud to speak... ever.

Back to the fears part of this, I also spiders, snakes, and most importatantly of all the dark. #etcetcetc but don't wanna keep namin of random fears

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Are rappers ruining the teenagers in America? Theyy could be cause all they talk about are girls(explicit version) drugs, and very more things which i probably shouldn't name on this blog or else Koop will kill me. I think that this can go either way. Personally i think  rappers are good for kids to look up to... minus when they get locked in jail. because they usually come from hard places and then become very sucessfull and kids should do that too...... so there ya have it.... rappers

Marriage is what brings us here today

First off, my titles funny cause it has to do with the Princess Bride... and kind of love...
Second off, love
third off.... love

why does the 4 letter word make us do crazy things in life? like my homie Adam Sandler went on 50 first dates with a girl just because he loved her so much. Its also the same thing that makes Taylor Swift millions of dollars. So how can this small thing do all these crazy things? (Not really crazy reasons... but.. shut up.) because we are programmed to feel these emotions and to have them take over our life. If there was no love in the world. there would be no happiness..... Okay still happeness but no children. so if you are wonderin gone day why we should fall in love... Remember the children

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Why do we love/hate our families? Why do the littliest things that they do bug us to the point of almost strikin them? I'll talk about why we love them first, its because for the most part, families are always there for us when we need them. You also share blood with all of them and similiar likes making it easy to like them... Now on why we hate them... I guess hate is a strong word but strongly dislike. Its because they force you to do things with them. You got a big event planned with your friends and all of a sudden your parents make you go to dinner with them ruining everything. Or they just do one tiny little thing that bugs you. It wouldn't bug you so much if you didn't have to hear it every 30 seconds from a sibling or a parent...... this is why we love/hate them.... But you should really love your family

Humans (are dead)

Reason I chose to put this video is because i've always wondered if robots could become smart enough to kill off the human race. Just the movie Irobot!!!!!!!!!!! How crazy would that be!!>!>??!?!?!?!? like one day apple invents the Islave or something that is a robot slave and it takes over and kills us all? So everyone out there.... Beware of robots. Don't let them kill us

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Im Ben Folds, the reason I am is cause Ben Folds I think he writes some of the most creative songs out there. (Granted he is most likely high when he writes them but still...)
 Not that good of a writer but heyyyyyyy thats why im in the class.